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Vintage Perspective
2021 • 20222023 • 2024 

Vintage 2020

Another winter without a deep frost. The forecast for the year suggests a warm season without a sufficient reserve of water. The springtime was mild with the sap returning to the vine and the first buds revealing themselves the last days of March. Everything was on an accelerated timetable : the first bud removal began the 20th of April. The end of May and the flowering was complete. One could sense another year with problems of Odium. July and August were rather dry with ample heat. On the slopes the vines suffered and maturation was complicated from a lack of water coupled with the impressive volume of fruit. The reds were very precocious and in small volume. Harvest began the 29th of August with the whites that accelerated in sugar and maturity in the final weeks. Phew !


As for the reds, the dryness had prevented a drop off in acidities and in spite of the alcohol levels, we managed to produce wines that are exceptionally well balanced. A vintage unexpectedly magnificent for the reds !


For the whites, the decision to delay the harvest of those vineyards lagging in maturity had paid off. The additional days allowed for better development and softer profiles. The aging in barrel has been a major boost to the quality of this vintage in white that will benefit from several years of aging before reaching the optimal period for tasting.


2020, was marked as well for the passing of our uncle Jackie who sadly passed on the 24th of September and she had been a constant source of support through the years.   

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